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Local Democratic Reform Program- LDR

The Local Democratic Reform program was among the most comprehensive of several USAID/West Bank and Gaza programs supporting democratic and decentralized local government in Palestine over the past twenty years. Conceptualized in 2004 and mobilized in October 2005, the program focused on two main objectives:

  • National Assistance- To enhance the capacity of the Ministry of Local Government to effectively assume a leading role in the development and implementation of a vision, policies, regulations, and institutional frameworks for a democratic local governance system in West Bank and Gaza.
  • Local Government Strengthening- To strengthen local government institutions and leadership to more effectively, and in a transparent, democratic, and accountable manner, assess and prioritize needs, implement integrated strategic planning and performance monitoring processes, and deliver and manage infrastructure construction and basic service delivery.

Over the past several years, LDR consolidated its efforts with its partner Municipalities, totaling to 54 in West Bank and Gaza and its main partner the Ministry of Local Government, on various initiatives which ranged from policy development to building civil society networks, and improving local government service delivery. These initiatives, which took place at multiple levels- national, local and community, wove a web that has worked towards building an enabling environment for the local government sector in Palestine and the resulting successes are visible and tangible.

LDR main achievements:

  • LDR worked closely with an important constituent of the Palestinian population, the youth through the Youth Shadow Local Councils (YSLCs) initiative, an LDR introduced mechanism for youth engagement in the local governance process. As a result, youth in the 11 communities where this intervention was introduced are now more engaged in the development of their community and are becoming valuable partners to the Municipalities in implementing their work.
  • LDR held a series of Local Governance Roundtables to discuss issues pertinent to building the local government sector in Palestine and creating dialogue amongst the Municipalities and other key stakeholders.
  • LDR provided specialized trainings on Information Technology/Processes to 9 Ministry IT and MIS staff. In addition, trainings were also delivered to 18 Ministry Guidance and Monitoring staff, which focused on good governance including planning and communication as well as financial control and service oversight. These trainings have built the knowledge base of the Ministry staff and have increased the efficiency of their work.
  • LDR is also working at the national level to develop policies that were relevant to the overall sector needs.
  • LDR completed a community strategic planning process with 20 partner communities. This process resulted in the elaboration of a road map for the future development of these communities and linked them to national level objectives. It also provided the Municipalities with the opportunity to actively engage with their citizens, national and local stakeholders.
  • LDR implemented 13 Citizen Service Centers (OSS) across the West Bank. The Citizen Service Centers house all the municipal functions under one roof and make it easier for the citizens to access services, for the local council to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency associated with their work and for increasing linkages between the citizen and the local government.
  • Over 1,478 youth were trained in West Bank and Gaza on leadership and local governance concepts such as planning, communication and presentation skills, advocacy, democracy, human rights and the importance of community work.
  • LDR completed the construction of 91 social infrastructure projects.
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