In depth reality is different!
In the field, several workshops are held in order to produce three planning documents. The first includes the vision and long-term strategic objectives for the community for the coming ten to fifteen years. A Community Developmental Plan (CDP) document is created to identify strategic thrusts (needs/priorities/etc. based on needs of community) for the next five years. Lastly, an Investment Plan for the next one to two years is developed, this gives community members an idea about what they can work on in the future. As the Manager of Labor in Labors Directorate in Yatta, Mr. Yousef Al Aiasa, affirmed:.“We know our needs, but we had to create a rather well prepared plan. Through SDF project we were able to organize our thoughts and to exchange ideas and experiences. For instance, in Yatta we have a quite high rate of unemployment, and so our participation in this project was aiming to create more job opportunities and to implement more projects,”
Proudly, our partners demonstrated high level of commitment to the project and currently they possess a considerable package of documents which will help them in steering their needs, resources and efforts in the right direction. Take for instance, the remarkable experience of Al Ram Municipality, a 1square mile city that serves 60,000 citizens. The Al Ram Municipality never previously had an organized plan and they did not offer services other than road construction, waste collection, and license dispensation. By participating, they created a developmental framework, encompassing a solid plan to develop all sectors. As a result, they are now aware of the importance of promoting developmental values amongst their citizens through different practices. “The best lesson to be learned from the our SDF project was to be aware of the importance of local community participation in the governmental, nongovernmental and private sectors; giving them this opportunity will make them more cooperative, willing to help, and more responsible towards preserving local properties,” stated Mr. Mohannad Shaheen the Manager of Al-Ram Municipality.
A sense of belonging was created and a trust was built between the participants who were all given the opportunity to interact with others and to exchange experiences. Most importantly, they now have a road map that will lead them, and will enable them to work and move in right direction within a clear and comprehensive vision.