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In depth reality is different!

Anabta Municipality representatives working as a team to accomplish the missionThe team from CHF International monitors the quality of the planning process, and above all guarantees that local communities are being sufficiently represented. As Mr. Hashem Brahmeh, Capacity Building Coordinator for Middle Area (Ramallah, Jerusalem, Jericho, Salfeet) said, “[the] SDF project is a valuable initiative, it will eventually make a huge impact on the local economy through supporting the economic, national, and developmental goals.” Indeed, CHF too has this hope, and in 2009, the CHF team began working with ten municipalities on the first phase of the SDF. Six municipalities were selected on the second phase, bringing the total to sixteen partners in this process. After a community profile for all sixteen partners was issued, specialized committees were formed to identify the specific needs of different sectors within the local communities, furthering a goal of the SDF to advance good governance.

Evidence of producing comprehensive development was seen, for example, in the Yatta Municipality. From the beginning, different groups and sectors of the community were engaged in the project, leading the Municipalities’ final investment plan to accurately reflect the real needs of the community. Their focus on a variety of projects related to different groups, such as local parks and clubs, facilities for mentally handicapped citizens and housing projects was recognized by Mr. Ibrahim Al Shamsti, Planning and Project Manager in the Yatta Municipality: “The participation of local community in Yatta was noticeable. Companies such as the Electricity Company, Telecommunications Company, and Contractors have participated. The participation of a total of 48 sectors has been achieved. It’s worth mentioning the active participation of minority groups such as youth and women".