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Youth Leader Shadows the Palestinian Minister of Economy

Over the course of her week spent shadowing the Minister, Amaal attended staff meetings, chambers of commerce elections, and the inauguration of the heavy metals union. She visited all of the Ministry departments to understand the flow of work within the Ministry and assisted with directing the Minister’s mail to the appropriate departmetns within the Ministry. Amaal also read about the work of the Ministry in order to get a better understanding of laws, policies, and treaties that are related to the Palestinian economy. Amaal stated, “My experience in the Ministry of Local Government was not only a transition from the world of academia to the real world, I also had a chance to understand the causes of the stagnant economic situation. I came to the ministry with my mind occupied with the youth concerns and issues but I went back to the youth with my mind occupied with the Ministry of National Economy concerns.”

Amaal also had the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister, Dr. Salaam Fayyad, during her time as the shadow Minister. “I accompanied Dr. Hasan Abu Libdeh to the office of the Prime Minister for the weekly Ministers meeting. I didn’t have the chance to attend the meeting but I was introduced to the Prime Ministers as the Minister of National Economy in exchange,” Amaal stated. Dr. Hasan Abu Libdeh explained to Dr. Salaam Fayyad that Amaal was an active YLC member from Halhoul who played a leading role in organizing the Palestinian Youth Summit event. Dr. Salaam who is greatly interested in youth initiatives was interested in learning about the YLCs and the Youth Summit event. Therefore, he asked Amaal to visit his office in the near future to better understand the Palestinian youth perspective.