Congratulations to Anabta Municipality (Tulkarm Governorate) on the construction of the new Citizen Service Center (CSC) funded by USAID, that has been recently constructed, and will be open soon to provide citizens with better, more efficient municipal services.
On July 2; CHF in the West Bank & Gaza, the Municipality of Adh Dhahiriya, the Ministry of Local Government, and funder USAID, inaugurated the Citizen Service Center in Adh Dhahiriyah Municipality in the southern West Bank. A Citizen Service Center is a centralized location in a municipality where citizens can access services in a transparent and automated manner. With USAID funding, Global Communities (Formerly CHF International) has established 14 such centers, and is planning an additional 11 centers.
Global Communities, USAID, the Ministry of Local Government, Qalqilya governorate, Kafr Thulth municipality, and local citizens participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Kafr Thulth Citizen Service Center (CSC). The CSC, established in 2014 under the USAID-funded Local Government and Infrastructure (LGI) Program, provides more efficient services
The citizens of Al Yamun, in the Jenin governorate, celebrated the inauguration of the new Citizen Service Center and Multi-Purpose Hall which will serve the 20,000 residents of the town. The Citizen Service Center, a centralized location where citizens can access a variety of vital services and engage with their local
"نحن الآن نشعر بأننا جزء من المجتمع" حنان وسالم من علار
مركز خدمة الجمهور في بلدية علار – طولكرم، يفتح أبوابه لاستقبال المستفيدين. حنان استطاعت لأول مرة زيارة مركز خدمة الجمهور