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West Bank

Hebron Municipality, with the support of Global Communities, launched the process of developing Hebron City’s first Strategic Development and Investment Plan (SDIP) based on the national SDIP manual recently modified by the Ministry of Local Government. The launch took place in the form of an open meeting held last week, and

Hundreds of youth participated in the Youth Local Council (YLC) elections held in two communities over the weekend. The YLCs in Beit Sahur and Ar Ram kicked off the 2015 elections, and 16 additional YLCs will hold their elections over the coming months. Congratulations go out not only to those who won, but also to those who fulfilled

  Click on the Photo to enlarge    This year’s engineering fellows at Global Communities share their experiences so far….

As part of its green initiatives, Global Communities celebrated the Palestinian National Environment Day (March 5) with the students and staff of Aqqaba Girls’ Primary School, in cooperation with Tubas Directorate and Aqqaba Municipality. Participants spent the day beautifying the school by making chairs and planters from old tires, as well as planting

Global Communities, under the USAID-funded Local Government and Infrastructure (LGI) program, conducted a workshop with local government sector stakeholders to present and discuss the findings of the situational analytical study on decentralization entitled “Situational Analysis Study and Development of a Practical Implementation

Global Communities, USAID, the Ministry of Local Government, Qalqilya governorate, Kafr Thulth municipality, and local citizens participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Kafr Thulth Citizen Service Center (CSC). The CSC, established in 2014 under the USAID-funded Local Government and Infrastructure (LGI) Program, provides more efficient services

Effective January 1, 2015, CHF Ryada became VITAS Palestine. VITAS Group, is a commercial holding company created by Global Communities as a long-term vehicle for fulfilling Global Communities’ mission in microfinance and small- and medium-enterprise finance. VITAS Palestine is part of the global VITAS Group, which was created on the belief that

        The citizens of Al Yamun, in the Jenin governorate, celebrated the inauguration of the new Citizen Service Center and Multi-Purpose Hall which will serve the 20,000 residents of the town. The Citizen Service Center, a centralized location where citizens can access a variety of vital services and engage with their local

   This month , Global Communities West Bank and Gaza, in cooperation with Injaz Palestine, began implementation of the second round of the “Woman and Leadership” initiative at 10 schools throughout the West Bank. This initiative targets female students in the 10th grade aims to break gender stereotypes in choosing future professions

Since 2004, Global Communities has worked with municipalities to improve local governance through a tri-fold strategy of community participation, leadership development and service delivery, complemented by ongoing engagement with national policy development. The "Center for Governance Excellence" model, is one of several