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The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index in Palestine

Global Communities recently wrapped up a project to measure the sustainability of Palestinian civil society organizations (CSOs). This project represented our participation in the preparation of the “2013 CSO Sustainability Index for the Middle East and North Africa” – Global Communities conducted the part of the study that involved the West Bank and Gaza. The index report also includes Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Yemen. This activity was part of a larger project that was conducted that also measured the sustainability of CSOs in 23 African countries, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
The sustainability index is based on the assessment of the CSOs in seven categories: 1) legal environment, 2) organizational capacity, 3) financial viability, 4) advocacy, 5) service delivery, 6) infrastructure, and 7) public image of civil society. Based on the assessment of these seven categories for the CSOs in each country, the countries were rated as having enhanced, evolving, or impeded sustainability. These ratings provide local organizations, governments, and donors with useful information to address relevant issues, make decisions about funding, etc. 

The results showed that five of the seven countries had achieved “evolved sustainability,” with Lebanon receiving the highest score, followed by the West Bank and Gaza. The report showed that CSOs in Yemen and Egypt were experiencing “impeded sustainability.” 

Please refer to this link for the full report: http://www.globalcommunities.ps/files/server/20150612053053.PDF